01797 362 353 info@rhdr.org
Facilities and access at Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway

We strive to ensure all of our best facilities are wheelchair accessible.

Toilet facilities for wheelchair using passengers are currently available at Hythe, Dymchurch, New Romney and Dungeness stations.

The railway has coaches adapted to carry wheelchairs. With on-board ramps, panoramic windows and four seats for accompanying helpers, these coaches are available on any train by prior arrangement. Wheelchair accessible carriages are also available on the day on a first come, first served basis.

Gift shops at Hythe, New Romney and Dungeness are easily accessible for wheelchair users.

The Model Exhibition (New Romney) has the use of a stair lift for passengers with limited mobility.


The railway has coaches especially adapted to carry wheelchairs and small mobility scooters; with on-board ramps, panoramic windows and seats for helpers


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