01797 362 353 info@rhdr.org
The model railway exhibition at Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway

Possibly the largest and certainly the busiest Model Railway in England.

The construction of this HO Model Railway started in 1973, and took around five years to complete, first running for the public in May 1978.

It has continued to run ever since, still maintaining its non-computer aided system devised from the start.


Located within New Romney Station (access through Heywood Buffet).

Open when services are operating.

Free admission with Rover Ticket, or Adult entry - £4 / Child entry - £2
Please note: All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Model Railway Exhibition Accessibility


The layout runs between five and nine hours a day for around 270 days each year!

Further interactive push buttons have been added and items, like the ‘Boy with his head through the railings’ and the ‘Girl flying a kite’ provide great entertainment for our younger customers. At present there are anything between 18 and 24 trains running at any one time, with other sets sequencing in and out throughout the day, and occasionally the famous ‘rat’ may make an appearance.

The Model Railway Exhibition has a comprehensive section devoted to the history of the railway and the surrounding area, and provides a fascinating insight into the railways involvement in the 2nd World War and the Post War years. Whether it was in the building of the Sound Mirrors at Lade, the Pluto (Pipe Line Under The Ocean) at Dungeness or guarding the Kent Coast with the Armoured Train, this section of the Model Railway Exhibition provides a rich and useful educational resource to schools in particular, but is there to be enjoyed by all.


Thanks must go to the RH&DR Association Heritage Group for supplying the words and pictures for this section of the exhibition