01797 362 353 info@rhdr.org
Railway Supporters Association Membership at Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway

The railway brings pleasure to thousands and has a unique and fascinating history.

Will you join in with the hopes and enthusiasm that keep it steaming? We would love to have you as a member.

The Supporters Association is a registered charity (No.1191151) and our goals are to support the railway practically and financially, and to develop an Interpretation and Heritage Centre. We want to see more people joining the existing volunteers who do everything from driving trains to helping the elves wrap Santa’s presents. We want you to join us so that we can work together to make sure the children and grandchildren (and the adults and grandparents) can enjoy the thrill of mainline travel in miniature forever.



Please help us support this wonderful railway.
Visit the RH&DRSA website for details.

As a charity the RH&DRSA also offers a tax-efficient route for those who would like to leave a legacy, be it financial or a specific gift to the railway.

If you would like to support in these ways, please get in touch here or visit the RH&DRSA website.

Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway Supporters Association Chair Pat Newsome
Pat Newsome
Chair - RH&DRSA
Email. chair@rhdrsa.org

The RHDR Supporters Association