01797 362 353 info@rhdr.org
June 15
Sun 15 June 2025

Father's Day & Beer Festival

Treat dad this Father’s Day by travelling on the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway!

Not only will he be able to travel behind a world-famous steam locomotive, but he’ll also get the chance to drive a train!

Dad’s ‘Drive a Train*’ will take place at New Romney Station where he can take control of the regulator and drive a light locomotive to the outer station limits - under the watchful eye and guidance of one of our experienced drivers.

Father’s Day tickets include:

  • Drive a train at New Romney Station (subject to availability)
  • Access to the Model Railway Exhibition
  • All day, hop on & off travel


  • Dad’s drive a train at New Romney and will receive a certificate. (New Romney Station sidings- first come, first served for passengers with travel tickets such as Romney Rovers) 11:00 to 4:00 – Platform 4.
  • The Model Exhibition at New Romney will be open from 10am.

Tickets & Times

Father's Day & Beer Festival
Beer brands may be cancelled or amended without notice.


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